Wednesday 5 June 2013

I will aid your cause, if I wish to.

It would seem that I am the kind of person who likes to volunteer. I help Seaton's Voice, I help Labour, and now, it would seem, I help Exmouth Town Concert Band. It would also seem that it takes someone I know to have an affiliation with an organisation in order for me to want to help them. With Seaton's Voice it was Elga, my Uncle's partner, with Labour it was, albeit loosely, father and with Exmouth Band it is Kelly.

Whenever I begin to volunteer my time to some cause I usually gain a great sense of good from it but that is just a happy side effect. I just happens to be that I enjoy devoting my time, often unasked, to aid others in their pursuits.

Working with Seaton's Voice has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever undertaken. To be involved with such a devoted and dynamic community group is a true pleasure and being able to assist them as they manage Seaton Town Hall as a community asset seems a truly just thing to do.

I've mentioned before the passion and joy that I gain from political volunteering and to me it is one of the simplest and most vital forms of voluntary service possible. I believe that it is fundamental to the success of any democracy that the electorate feel involved and connected with those whom they are asked to vote for and trust to run the country on their behalf. I know people (Mrs L.) who often see issue with what some of my political peers do, namely obstructing voters at polling stations, and whilst I myself take great care not to offend or obstruct anyone, be they political friend or foe, I can see the arguments of those who disagree with me but I stand by my point that the work that me and others like me is essential for the sake of democracy.

Don't I sound humble.

Now I have begun to do things for Exmouth Town Concert Band. Its Kelly's fault, she plays flute in the band and was recently elected to its committee as the Publicity Officer. We both saw that things could be improved for the band's sake so we have jointly set out to improve them. Kelly has set up an ETCB Twitter account and has become an Admin for their Facebook Page, she is also responsible for issuing press releases for the band's concerts and, dare I say it, they might be half their length if I was around to be consulted on their content (cue scowls when she gets home...). But then, without request nor sanction I drafted a new poster for the band, something which Kelly has admitted she would probably never have done and now she is consulting with the committee on further changes to those drafts and soon these posters will be the band's primary advertisement. Also, somewhere along the line it appears that I have volunteered to be a kind of informal band photographer, it is after all difficult o have photos of the band when the band's photographer is playing in the band. Heck, I even bought a tripod so that I can take pictures and videos of the band.

It looks like I do quite a lot, but in truth I am quite capable of doing much more, indeed I would like to. I have so much time on my hands at the moment, being unemployed, that I could quite happily spend all day volunteering.

Links to organisations mentioned in this post:

Seaton's Voice


Exmouth Town Concert Band

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